Tuesday, May 31, 2011


as i sit in front of the computer in one corner of university library, i think what this place has given me, and what i have given in return.

i think of books, friends, bonds and ties that never were. some relations that always will remain. some realizations that opened up a world for me which is greater than what can sink into my imagination. a world that's overwhelming me everyday.

i think of this world and how faani it is. how ephemeral, how superfluous. it'll die one day, sooner or later than me. and either it or i will survive and move on.

nothing remains still. nothing holds on. there's a change of events, change of circumstances. and then there is also change of heart, change of mind. nothing holds on. i move on. you move on. we go our ways. nothing stays.

and so shall be it as it shall be. this is life. this is what lums was in 2007 and i didn't like it. today i know this is what lums is, what life is, what this world is too, and i am content with it. content with the fact that everyone moves on. a kind of numbness, a level of apathy that shall remain. remain probably for good, for times to come.

and all this converges to one point, that we are bound in space and time, linear at best, hence we have the notions of remaining still or moving on. but the qudrah and the power that is outside of it, has our hearts in His Power, and we are just puppets. moving on, playing our part of the play.and all i know is we ought to play well. play well once, for once is all that there is, for the rest of eternity.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

trying too hard?

if you don't try too hard for something, it can mean two things

either you are scared of failing and falling
or      because it's not worth you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

LUMS 2007-2011

24th August 2007
first day at LUMS
moved around with 5 friends
ate at PDC
prayed Jummah jama'at for the first time in Pakistan
hooted at the Music Society Orientation
Told a senior that his shoes look funny
took pictures in and around

6th May 2011
My last official day of classes at LUMS
couldn't and didn't go to LUMS
didn't meet any friend the whole day
prayed Jummah
went to hospital and back

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Conquest: 620 C.E

After you read on America's Momentous Achievement in Abottabad, please read this