These are rough notes of a lecture on How to Attain Sharah-e-Sadr delivered by Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed on 28 January 2011 prepared by a friend of mine.
Laqad kaana lakum fi rasulillahi uswatun hasanah …
a faman sharaha sadrahu lil islami ...
uswah: model etc
hasanah: perfect etc
pinnacle of beauty.
Rasulullah (saw) lived a 'balanced life'. This is an important point. He lived a balanced life being a prophet – husband, grandfather, father etc.
Stories of rasulullah (saw) playing with his daughters, grandchildren! Spending time with the ummahatul mu'mineen. Where does he get this time? How is it possible along with the responsibility of nubuwwah, with the greatest responsibility! Most responsibility of ALL of creation. He found time for the 'ordinary sahabah'. He gave time to everyone, not just elites and khulafa. Time to any and all their queries. Teaching them the basics
Today's management science teach you to delegate authority; train a few leaders and teach them the basics! But sayyiduna rasul saw taught everyone everything and found time. What a complete, perfect and yet so balanced; so much burden and responsibility yet so balanced!
I'm amazed that those ulama that made so much effort to translate the Seearah (/other works) from arabic to urdu; and those from urdu to english; they will be amazed at how little of the english//urdu community read their translations of seerah. But this verse says that each and every one of you 'lakum' is a uswatun hasanah. I would say, and may seem harsh thing to say, but if a person has no basic grounding/thorough grounding of economics not a economist (likewise physicist); then why shouldn't I say that if someone doesn't have a thorough understanding of seerah is not worthy of being called an ummati!. We don't take him (saw) as an uswah.
Those people who have gatherings (in this month of rabi'ul awwal), love to talk about two things depending on their mizaj. One group, always talk about his miracles mu'jizaat – day and night they talk about this; this is imbalance. Another group, all they like to talk about his akhlaaq – this is also imbalance; to reduce his entire prophethood to akhlaaq is also imbalance! In akhlaaq they may talk about leadership, many things.
Greatest sunnah of Rasulullah (saw) is what is known wilaayat! First and foremost sent in this world as a prophet to show the path to humans to become awliyaa of Allah, lovers of Allah. He came to take this insignificant creation, to show this insignificant trifling of a creature called a human to become a lover and beloved of Allah
His own wilayat: alam nashrah laka sadrak! Known as sharah sadr in islamic sciences. Allah say in Quran for this ummah: afaman sharaha sadrahu lil-islam fa huwa 'alaa noorin min rabbihi!!!!! That noor transcends anything in this world. That noor is the greatest thing to enter into a persons heart. The noor of iman, hidayah, rahmah! He was sent (saw) to bring a person into Noor. This noor is the greatest sunnah ! What does this Noor mean?
When the sahabah first heard this ayah “afaman....” sahabah asked: how is it that breast is expanded? Response: “when Allah sends noor into spiritual heart of the believer, then it is expanded and opened”. Allahu akbar! This is what Allah swt wants to give us, far more greater than islamic morality (akhlaq) is islamic spirituality (sharah sadar). Sahabah: “what is the sign of this (that noor enters)?” response: “all of this persons attraction and yearning will be towards the darul khulood (aakhirah) and will completely loose their attraction to daarul ghuroor (dunya) [not in terms of achievement and accomplishment, but in yearning]; and they will be prepared for death before death comes” ready to go. They don't view shariah as insignificant – yes, this is also part of sharah sadar! They understand Deen; they get ma'rifah of Deen of the intricate realities.
How do we get Sharah Sadar? How to get this wilayah of Rasulullah (Saw)? Yes this is task of Mu'min to become the same type of wali as Nabi (saw). We cannot become a Nabi. But our number 1 goal and vision is to become a wali in the same way nabi (saw) was a wali!! With the balance – of morality etc (i.e. all parts of the Sunnah) but spirituality is the missing ingredient. Where did the sahabah start their journey? They began from spirituality. The noor was so strong that it (then – after spiritual training) brought them to every morality, accomplishment etc. Ghazali (ra) defined iman: to believe in your heart every single thing that has been transmitted to us from Rasulullah (saw) (Quran, sunnah seera etc) from the bottom of our heart, that is iman. So iman is to suffice with what he (saw) was sent with. We may not rationally comprehend everything. But this is iman! Many things out of reach; but what we do have in our reach is the 'aql to do tasdeeq of what Rasulullah (saw) came with – what he came with is True, he was sent by The Truth.
In this sense, Ghazali (ra) further says: the person is either mu'min or kaafir. (faminhum mu'min wa minhum kaafir). Some accept everything, others deny and doubt the teachings. So, this is our choice. Whoever accepts iman, then Allah becomes his wali. Imagine a CEO telling a janitor “I am your wali”; king in medieval times goes to a peasant and says I am your wali! Shaykh says to student I am your wali. In all cases, your heart will melt; but Allah says “Allah waliyulladhina amanu” and heart is dead. Allah only says to bring 'alladhina amanu' and He promises wilayat. Further, “wa huwa yatawallas salihin” - super wali “mutawalli” - if you become Salihin, then Allah becomes super Wali. The problem is we don't value this noor (of Iman).
You can't extinguish noor of iman, alhamdulillah. We can veil it, hide it, cover it etc. but can't extinguish. Mashayikh give example of what Shaykh Sa'di (ra) recorded in his Gulistaan (he recounts tale): When I was a child mother gave me a gold ring. And I went to market and thug saw it. He said to me “suck your ring” then he gave me candy and said “suck this candy”; they swapped the gold ring for candy!
He (Shaykh Sa'di (ra)) is saying your iman is the ring; all the media, society culture is the marketing to make you choose the candy! Hadith: haya is iman. But we trade this golden ring of haya for pleasures of dunya.
Sahabah: “First he (the Prophet SAW) taught us iman, then he taught us Quran”; Quran is guidance for muttaqeen! hudan lil muttaqeen. 3 reasons why a person loses iman:
1. don't actively consciously do shukr of iman – take it for granted. We should do most shukr for the greatest blessing – Iman. Youth nowadays ask “why was I given this gift and someone else not, did I get this iman with free will”. The very act of the gift is now a means of being doubtful and sceptical!!!
2. we are not afraid of losing iman. When you not afraid of losing money, then definitely you will lose it.
3. By hurting the hearts of the people of iman. When you hurt the heart of a fellow believer means you didn't value the iman they had in their heart. People say 'we are batch-mates, housemates, flatmates, pir-bhais” but greatest relationship is “ikhwah” - brotherhood of the noor of iman in hearts!
Some people say 'my iman is weak'. It's strange, like they are speaking out of ma'rifah (i.e. they have spoken the exact truth)! They know that the weakness is in iman. One easy way to boost it, is to do shukr of whatever spark you have of iman, then Allah will increase - “wa la'in shakartum la azidannakum”.
How to get sharah sadr (8 ways):
1. do shukr of iman
2. ilm – learn knowledge of deen. “al-'ilmu noor”.
Two Hadith on types of seekers being forgiven
a) three types forgiven when seeker of food. First earner of wealth, second cooker of food and third feeder of food
b) four people forgiven when seeker of knowledge: first seeker, second teacher who answers, three the majlis of ilm (audience, listener!!), fourth any one who made intizam for the majlis
3. to return to Allah and to wholeheartedly, fully completely with your FULL HEART's yearning love Allah! Maa ja'alallahu li rajulin min qalbayni fi jawfih. Ibn qayyim (ra): “there's nothing more effective in sharah sadar than love for Allah, it has a wondrous effect; but to have love for ghayrulllah is the most destructive in achieving sharh sadr”.
4. Zikr katheer – always remember Allah swt at ALL times. Let me put it to you this way (in explaining the effect of Zikr of Allah) “ la hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah” I have no might power or ability in me to leave sin, nor might power or ability to do good except with the leave of Allah. Nobody can say I am lower than this – nobody is lower than zero ability to stop from sin and zero ability to do good. But, see zikr can take you from lowest point, and pick you up. Three types of zikr: qalbi, lisani and amali. Imam Rabbani (ra) says “anything a person does can be zikr”
5. ihsaan ilal khalq – to treat creation well. Treat people well and you will get noor of Allah. This is real power of akhlaaq; that's why you can't have morality without spirituality! This is the reason to have good character – you get Sharah Sadr when you have good akhlaaq with others, Allah sends Noor. Akhlaaq of Rasulullah (saw) with his own, with those other than his own. People who tried to murder him, and his companions. Oppressed and fought and opposed him.
6. Ash-shujaa'. Courage, to be steadfast (himmah). This is such a powerful topic. Istiqlaal fit taba'. Stregnth, sabr, motivation, drive, bravery, courage, resilience. (A person) who is strong willed on their deen! Enduring on their deen! Steadfast, persevering on Deen! Show himmah! Himmat on Deen to get this Noor!!
Two ways to understand this shuja'ah/himmah
a. “was-bir nafsaka ma'alladhina …wa laa ta'du aynaka 'anhum”. Allah giving you command to bind yourself to those men who call Him day and night and don't for a second move your gaze from them. (So get himmah by spending time in suhbat of ahluLlah)
b. Balance. I give you one line. You master this, you get balance. Just one line. One line: “master your night, you will have balance”. You want to have wilayah (every other thing you will get in the day) master your night, otherwise you will be imbalanced. How to master? A “one-size fits all”: your night is 10 hours: 6-8 hrs sleep, 2-4 hrs to Allah.
Students nowadays can't sleep until clock says 'am' and can't wake until it says 'pm'. Just wake up for Fajr and just give 2 hours solid for Allah (swt). Student package: 12am – 10am (you can sleep at 'am'!! but just give 2 hrs to Allah) People working/married and kids: If you take the package 10pm-8am, then 8am-10pm will run fine; you just need to pray salah and go about your day. Sunnah: during day pray salah and do day-to-day work, but night was time of wilayah
Alhamdulillah we have had such an opportunity to spend time with ulama who follow sunnah. During day, they pray salah and return (home or work for the day etc.), but night is for Allah!
Master your night, you will accomplish everything in your day.
7. Remove veils which are repressing the Noor. So this is tawbah, tazkiyah. Remove the veils, remove darkness, and let your unfettered iman shine through. Basically leave/remove sin. Without doing extra ibadah etc and remove sin/bad traits then inherent noor of iman will simply shine out
8. tark e fudhool – leave the wasteful, fruitless, superfluous of
a. gaze: not just physical gaze (although it does include physical gaze), but includes awareness – news media, your nazar on so many things why news article on what happening in Brazil? This is Fudhool! Whether Sri Lanka beat India on cricket!? You have been thieved, why look at a cricketer, go find 11 children 11 orphans, 11 widows, 11 underprivileged”. For some people it (i.e. nazar on fudhool) applies to micro-managing their home. Just leave it, it's fudhool; so caught up in fudhool that's why you don't have time when you say “too busy for Allah” then you have half-lied – you spend your time in fudhool that's why you have no time! Look at student, businessman, politician in their critical season, then no way you can involve them in fudhool. Wa hum 'anil-laghwi mu'ridhoon
b. kalaam: idle idle idle wasteful talk. Most accomplished people of this world speak less – people of little words. In PK you have 'baatooni' – this used to be a sifat of women, but even I can tell you of baatooni men! They talk so much! It's stopping Noor from coming, it's interfering with the signal of Noor. If you have fudhool airwaves, then Allah swt is sending his Noor but it is causing interference! Min husni islamil mar'i tarkuhu ma laa ya'neehi.
c. Interaction: extraneous intermingling. I know not everyone is ready for that level; not saying to become a hermit. But a reasonable controlled level of interaction with non-family members is acceptable but now it has become superfluous.
d. eating (leave superfluous eating)
e. sleeping (leave superfluous sleeping) (A verse:) Innal abraara lafi na'eem: the people of Birr are in na'eem (bliss, everlasting bliss, joy felicity happiness) wa innal fujjaara lafi jaheem: the people of fujoor (“fujoor” ranges from sin all the way to sloth, laziness, idleness which causes a person to lose and miss out on this Noor and eventually lead someone to disobedience of Allah swt) are in Jaheem (terrible, joyless, every sadness, every depression, every hasrat).
In all the things we have mentioned Rasulullah (saw) was perfect in all these things. He was perfect in all these things. This is the REAL meaning of waseelah!!!! (← ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!!!!!) Waseelah doesn't mean you pray to Rasulullah (SAW). It means you use Sunnah of Nabi (SAW) to reach Allah! His Sunnah is YOUR WASEELAH. Just GRASP THIS ONE WASEELAH and you will need no other Waseelah. Grab this Sunnah of Sharah Sadar, of wilayah of Nabi (saw). It is his greatest legacy, his greatest Sunnah, and our greatest need and our greatest loss if we leave this world without getting at least a shadow, shade or even at least being on the path of this Wilayah.
May Allah make us loyal devout follower of Sunnah, and the inhertior of the Sunnah and Wilayah of Nabi (Saw), ameen; wa aakhiru da'waana anil hamdu lillahi rabbil aalamin