Friday, February 4, 2011

"I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah"

i recently had the privilege to learn this beautiful ayah in the Holy Quran

He said: "I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah and I know from Allah that which ye know not... Surah Yusuf (12:86)

and what came to my mind was the urge we have to call, email, sms, go to a friend's home as soon as we see some trouble or face it. and sometimes the friendship is so deep and so intense that if one friend doesn't share with another, there's a chance of mistrust, distance development and quarrel. it's a modern notion of friendship, a modern approach to venting out your feelings, of having "a shoulder to always cry on", but one needs to step back and read this ayah, and see what Prophet Yaqub (as) [Jacob] said to his sons. Prophet Yaqub had lost his beloved son Yusuf (as) [joseph] forty years ago, and now when his sons came to tell him that they lost another brother in captivity (father’s second favourite son Bin Yamin [Benjamin]), he said “I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah”… 

SubhanAllah!what an exalted, zabardast, beautiful integrity of a man that Prophet Yaqub was. That for forty years he had been patient and kind, not breaking ties with his sons, and at the same time not whining or complaining to the world or to God. He just quietly kept persevering, his heart heavy, his eyes constantly numb. and the maximum his humility allowed him to say was this > I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah”…  .although he was all justified to vent out anger. he needed email consolation, telephonic inspiring talk by a friend, and a shoulder to cry on more than anyone of us ever, but he didn't take support of anyone. he used the crutches of mercy and hope and expectation and positive thinking about Allah, made Allah his Best Friend and shared only stuff with him. shed some weight of his heavy heart in front of Allah only. Cried out of longing amidst the hope in front of Allah only. He knew what Allah could do and what He Did, that's why he complained of human feelings we all have of anguish and distraction to Allah alone. 
We on the other hand have the Book of Allah with us, in which Allah is telling us to put faith in Him , trust Him, take Him as our Confidant, as our true Best Friend, and it's a tragedy that we look for consolations from here and there. as a teacher of mine says it, we sell ourselves short. 

Bas this was on my mind, and i pray one day i can also come close to thinking that in at least one matter of my life, i completely complained of distraction and anguish to Allah alone. Atleast one....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want the recording of all the days too:(..plz get me from anywhere!