في ليلة من الليال لست أدري ما إعتراني
ظلمة تغمرني يارب
الأرض ضاقت والسماء وقلبي ما عرف الضياء
والدمع بات يبكي يا إلهي
عصيتوالذنب كبير وإني في حزني أسير
مقيد بذنبي يا رب
فهل أستحق يا إلهيالعفو مجرما
مقر بالذنوب يا إلهي
أنت الذي خلقتني ورحمتني ورزقتني
دوما يارب قد كنت معي
لكنني نآيت عنك نسيت ما قد كان لك
وسرت في طريقي ياإلهي
واليوم يا ربي أعود من ظلمة خلف الحدود
فالقلب منكسر وطرفي حائر
وأناالغريق فلا أرى إلا سواك لي منقذا
لا ملجأ ولا منجى إلاأنت
In one of the nights,
I dont know what happened to me,
Darkness Covered me O my Rabb,
The earth has been narrowed, and (also) the sky,
and my heart haven't know the light,
And tears stayed, crying O my Ilaah
Ya Ilahi
I dont know what happened to me,
Darkness Covered me O my Rabb,
The earth has been narrowed, and (also) the sky,
and my heart haven't know the light,
And tears stayed, crying O my Ilaah
Ya Ilahi
ya Ilaahi
Ya Ilaahi
I committed a big sin,
And I am inside my sadness a captive,
Chained by the sin O my Rabb,
Does the sinner deserve forgiveness, O my Ilaah?
I admit my sins, O my Ilaah
You are the one who created, mercied and blessed me,
All the time You were with me, O my Rabb.
However, I went far away from You and forgot Your rights,
And walked on my way, O my Ilaah.
I committed a big sin,
And I am inside my sadness a captive,
Chained by the sin O my Rabb,
Does the sinner deserve forgiveness, O my Ilaah?
I admit my sins, O my Ilaah
You are the one who created, mercied and blessed me,
All the time You were with me, O my Rabb.
However, I went far away from You and forgot Your rights,
And walked on my way, O my Ilaah.
Y Ilaahi
Ya Ilaahi
Ya Ilaahi
And today O my Rabb,
I come back from a darkness beyond the boundaries,
The heart is broken and my sight is confused.
Ang I am sinking and see no one but You to rescue me,
No help except You,
O my Ilaah, O my Ilaah
arabic lyrics taken from here
english lyrics taken from HERE
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