Saturday, October 1, 2011

Summer 2011: Lessons Learnt

and relearnt:

1. there is no place like home
2. one should never ever take advantage of somebody's sharafat
3. he who remains silent is saved
4. it is possible to "gain" a loss in the long run
5. the most valuable asset of a mumin is his Imaan
6. what matters at the end of any interaction with any non-muslim is shahadah
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمد (صلي الله عليه وسلم) رسول الله
7. bottomline of any dialogue is that Allah Is Great. الله أكبر
8. your suhbat can make or break your peace of mind and heart
9. i can never get tired of having roti
10. ghaza in need is chicken saalan indeed, always
11. seafood is marvellous
12. we can never truly appreciate the merit, impact and importance of adhan in our lives
13. Allahu Wali-yul-mumineen
14. a major cause of american mediocrity is tv.
15. the fazeelat of Sunnah is enormous, regardless of who's following it.
16. Allah Takes Care
17. Allah's Way Works
18. a lot of things start working positively and automatically if trust is put in the right place
19. my failure to do something good is a combination of lack of ability, acceptance and confidence
20. a smile and good manners can do wonders
21. personal, private, public plans should be happily dismissed in front of providential Will.
22. arrogance is the scariest and worst thing
23. i am afraid to even think about the consequences of he who is insolent towards the Deen of Islam
24. every muslim has a home: masjid
25. i do not miss LUMS as much as i thought i would
26. dinky is cool
27. i will always enjoy race games
28. sunlight, sunshine and sunray, all mark the start of my happy day
29. Allah is Wayyyyy Above and Beyond what we humans can think, imagine or perceive

to be continued as and when more lessons will be recollected

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